Burt Goldman – Quantum Jumping – Learn from alternate better versions of ‘you’

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Burt Goldman – Quantum Jumping – Learn from alternate better versions of ‘you’

From the 85-year-old, former disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda and the late Jose Silva’s top instructor, Burt Goldman

Discover a Revolutionary New System that Amplifies Your “Thoughts Creating Reality” Process and Opens You Up to a New World of Advanced Mind Power

Quantum Jumping, uses unique guided imagery, deep meditation and the results of years of study to train you to tap into the power of advanced dimensions of your mind – to accomplish things you once thought impossible. (70,000+ students can’t be wrong)

For Those Who Wants To Amplify Their Ability To Alter Reality By Attracting Meaningful Coincidences, Tapping Into Intuition And Skyrocketing Creative Potential

Remember your childhood dreams?

Maybe you wanted to be a world-class chef, or an inventor, or a writer. Maybe you still do.

Maybe you dreamt of somehow changing the world, or starting your own business, or becoming so rich and successful that you know you and your loved ones wouldn’t have to want for anything in this life.

And then what happened?

What Happened To Those Dreams Of Yours?

The same thing that always happens. Life.

As you grew older, you started to conform to the norms that society puts on us and had to live in what they call the “real world.” You were told to “stop daydreaming” by your teachers, or “be realistic” by your parents. You were made to walk the path of what you should do, and in turn moved further and further away from the path of what you could do.

Bills and responsibilities started pouring in, and before you knew it…

Your childhood dreams had vanished into thin air.

But open your mind for just a few minutes.

Imagine, that somewhere out there in the deep vastness of space and time, there is another version of you in another universe who didn’t give up on those dreams…

What You Are About To Read Could Completely Alter Your Concept Of Reality…

Whether you believe alternate universes exist or otherwise, just imagine for argument’s sake that they do. And that within these universes, alternate versions of yourself are living out their lives, just as you are.

Imagine that somewhere out there, in one of these universes, there’s a billionaire you, a rock-star you, a supermodel you…

Now imagine if you could jump into those universes…

Meet these alternate versions of yourself…

And find out what they did to get to where they’re at. Learn their skills, their experience, their wisdom. Find out how they became successful. How they discovered their talents. How they generated massive wealth. How they got so healthy, and why they’re so happy.

What if you could meet the successful you and learn from them how to boost your wealth and career—even if you’ve never had much luck at business?

What if you got the chance to sit down with the musical you, and learn from them how to play the guitar like a pro—even if you’ve never strummed a note in your life?

What if you could talk to the athletic you, and find out exactly how they stay fit and sexy—even if you’ve never been very health conscious yourself?

In short, imagine meeting a you who is everything you’ve ever secretly wished you could be. Stick with me now, because I’m going to show you how to do exactly that.

What Part of Your Reality Is Real Anyway?

Remember the movie, The Matrix? Remember how people were able to instantly download skills and experiences into their minds?

They became kung-fu masters, helicopter pilots, engineering experts… all in a matter of minutes. Skills that normally take years to master were theirs in the blink of an eye.

Yes, The Matrix was a movie—but what if that part of it was real? And what if, without having to live in the future and fight giant robots, you could experience it too?

But before you get ideas of space travel and starships, you should know…

You Don’t Need A Rocket Ship To Explore The Universe

Now I hate having to burst anyone’s bubble of having adventures through space but no, you won’t actually leave this planet.

I have with me, a technique that makes learning new skills, discovering new ideas, and achieving remarkable feats a matter of saying yes or no. And it’s made to be an out of this world experience.

That technique is called Quantum Jumping.

Think of it as creative visualization like you’ve never experienced it before.

It’s the combination over more than 30 years of research into fields like hypnosis, yoga, meditation, feng shui and remote viewing to name a few. I’ve experimented, tweaked, and Quantum Jumping is the sum total of my experiences.

It is a highly advanced visualization technique that allows you to vividly visualize meeting alternate versions of yourself in alternate universes – and using them to help engineer your ideal existence.

It’s the technique that has served as the backbone for many of my life’s accomplishments, it has helped change the lives of many of my students for the better, and now I sincerely hope it will do the same for you.

Just imagine the wisdom and experience you could get from speaking to your alternate selves – versions of you who’ve made different sets of choices and decisions in life.

Think of how you could benefit from all their experiences, learn their skills and make better decisions. I see it as discovering your true potential. A potential you could never possibly have achieved, had you not got in touch with the “Universal You” – the you that you were always meant to be.

Get immediately download Burt Goldman – Quantum Jumping – Learn from alternate better versions of ‘you’

All You Need Is An Open Mind And The Power Of Intent

Once you have the will to learn, I’ll show you how you’re able to use the untapped power of your mind to “jump” into alternative universes, and visit alternate versions of yourself who already have the skills, knowledge and experience you desire.

The more creative you. The passionate you. The healthier you.

They’re all out there somewhere – and they’re all waiting to meet you.

What the mind can believe, it can achieve.

But before I go further into how it works and what it can do for you, I find it right that you should know a little bit more about myself…

Instructor Profile

Meet Burt Goldman: The Man Who Discovered
Quantum Jumping

I’m one of those lucky people who discovered a secret early in life. I spent over 50 years cultivating my knowledge and studying with some of the world’s greatest spiritual teachers. Today, I’ve settled in California and will spend the next few minutes sharing a few important lessons with you.

When I was just nineteen, I was with the American Occupation Forces in Korea. I had a Korean-American buddy who told me of a mystic he had met while he was wandering around the outskirts of Seoul. I got to meet that mystic. In that small home of Mr. Kwan Jung, whose name I later learned meant strong and righteous, I heard things I’d never thought of before. I learned about Qi, or energy, and Li, the control of this energy.

Suddenly Korea turned into much more than just a place to bide my time until I returned to the States. This was my first dip into the metaphysical world I knew so little about…

Over 50 Years Of Exploration In The Deepest Depths Of Human Mind

I was then transferred to Hawaii where I met my first Kahuna Master. I was told the teachings of Kahuna were secret and the word “secret” in the Hawaiian language was huna, which meant, known to very few.

I was fascinated by what I had learned in Hawaii and wanted to know more but there were no Kahunas in the US at that time. After my discharge from the army, I heard of a great swami and my curiosity led me to Paramahansa Yogananda. I learned the art of meditation at the feet of this great master, who brought meditation and yoga to the West.

After Yogananda passed on in 1952, I sought other ways to fill my cup with knowledge. I read everything I could on the subject of the mind and the variety of ways to use it.

Next, I explored hypnotism and was fascinated by it. I practiced it for many years, all the while researching and learning.

By then I had also become proficient in hand acupressure, a component of acupuncture without puncturing the body. I began healing and teaching people to heal by simply pressing on two parts of the subject’s body with the middle fingers of my left and right hands.

My teachings at the time were for small groups, or individuals. I had not yet gotten the idea of world travel, or gathering large groups of people.

At this point in my life I heard about Jose Silva, and tried my hand at helping him run his mind control seminars. After injecting some of my own techniques I became his number one instructor and remained in that position until I left the organization.

I didn’t stop there. I went on to study the ancient Chinese system of Feng Shui, I became a Psychic, and I mastered NLP. At my peak I conducted seminars for Heads of States, European Royalty and amassed audiences numbering up to 700.

Now at the age of 80+, traveling around the world to do seminars would be too much. And so I’ve decided to spread my knowledge in a different way: through the internet.

The internet allows me to share my knowledge with the world, and enable people like you to easily tap into the latent power of your mind.

I offer nothing but proven, time-tested techniques that have been conceived, tested and fine-tuned with hundreds of thousands of participants throughout the world. Techniques that could very well change your life for the better.

A Glimpse At Some Of My Achievements Using Quantum Jumping

I’m in my late 80’s and I’m no spring chicken, and in many ways I’m just like anyone else my age. I relish peace and quiet, I love spending time with my grandchildren, and enjoy nothing more than sitting down to a good book.

But ever since I mastered the art of creative visualization, I’ve been able to accomplish more in just a few short years than many could hope to do in their entire lifetime. Here’s just a few:


Just before my 80th Birthday I decided to take up painting and in the past few years, I’ve completed hundreds of masterpieces inspired by visionaries like Van Gogh and Picasso. Today, many of my paintings hang in museums around the globe.


Seemingly out of nowhere, and with no real prior expertise, I found the inspiration to write a national best-seller. The Silva Mind Control Method Of Mental Dynamics, which I co-authored with Jose Silva of The Silva Method, has sold over 1 million copies.


With no previous knowledge of photography, I pioneered a brand new “mirage” photography style that got many of my photographs shown in galleries all around the world. The picture shown here, “Street In Paris”, is one of my favorites.


Three decades after the age most people decide to retire, I started an online movement that transformed into a successful online business. Since 2007, the website has continued to grow and now has a community of over 800,000 members.

What You’ll Learn

Five Amazing Benefits You’ll Experience When you Try Quantum Jumping


Better Relationships
  • Find the partner of your dreams… even if all this time you just haven’t been able to meet the right one and you stopped believing in Soulmates;
  • Improve your relationships with family and friends… no matter how challenging they are (and even if you haven’t spoken in years);


Abundance And Success

Get the confidence for the job you’ve always wanted… even if you have missed opportunities in the past and stopped believing in yourself (and NO, you’re NOT too old!);

Find out the quickest, easiest way to attract wealth… even if you’ve never been much of a money magnet; You can still start your own business, even if you’ve been an employee all your life;


Improved Health And Well-Being

Alleviate some health problems by jumping into healthy version of you — absorb that energy and bring it back to Here And Now;

Never feel old again… even if you fall sick just a bit too often; you’re about to discover that Quantum Jumping works like amazing rejuvenating and revitalising elixir;


Growth And Intuition

Understand your past — even if you never knew what really happened — and clear up your emotional and energetic blockages, so you can be truly free to make the most out of future;

Discover what really makes you happy… even if you’ve always felt confused about your life purpose and everyday passions;


Enhanced Creativity And Skills

Master a skill like painting, writing or dancing… even if you’ve never found the time or inclination to take it all the way; Play any musical instrument you want… even if you’ve never read a single musical note;

Learn French, Spanish, German, or any new language… even if you’re still struggling with certain English words;

…and that my friend is just the tip of the iceberg.

A Quantum Jumping Case Study

Let me tell you how Sarah Zuniga used Quantum Jumping to change her life. Sarah was a housemaid in Cleveland, Ohio. Her salary fluctuated as she worked for eight dollars an hour but didn’t have enough accounts to bring her a forty-hour week. She told me her average wage was $265 a week. Her husband had his own business as a floor waxer and brought in an additional $700 a week and between the two salaries they made do.

Sarah came to one of my classes and was fascinated by the concept of her having other selves in other dimensions—who were exactly the same as her, with the same husband, same parents, same friends, same children—but who was very successful. She couldn’t wait to visit one of her alternate selves that fitted the description.

So one day as she went into a Quantum Jump, she decided she would visit a successful version of herself, in a business that she loved. She jumped through and suddenly, she reported, she saw her alternate self, and she visualized herself walking over to this twin. Her intent of course was what influenced her thoughts. She wanted to be successful, she wanted to make a $150,000 a year, but most of all she wanted to be a decorator.

She imagined herself talking to her alternate self. She thought she heard her saying “Dress up houses for sale,” and like me, didn’t know what it meant. She asked me what I thought it meant and I said I didn’t know. I asked if she cleaned any houses that were for sale and she said no.

She was suddenly very quiet and thoughtful as the class went on. Sarah was now paying no attention to me and during a break I asked her what was going on?

“I just got sort of an idea and I want to see if I should get excited about it or not,” she said. With my permission she got on the stage and asked if there were any real estate salespeople in the room. 4 hands were raised; and Sarah said “I have an idea and Burt is allowing me to present it because it kind of proves that this stuff works.“

Then Sarah asked the four real estate salespeople what they thought about her idea. Her idea was that a house that’s been on the market and can’t sell may be because it needs to be spruced up. Sarah said she is starting a company that will clean spotless and decorate those run down houses so that they will sell.“What would you charge?” one fellow asked, Sarah told me later she had no idea what to charge but a figure just came to mind and she said, $500.

I’m making a long story short here because Sarah got 3 houses to work on from that class and as she averaged 8 hours on each job she had made exactly 8 times as much as she did by just cleaning houses. I could almost write a book about Sarah and her husband Peter because Sarah wound up with more than she could handle and hired 2 girls, then 3 more, then 7, and soon she had 87 women working with and for her. Peter closed his floor waxing shop to come in with Sarah, and Sarah hasn’t cleaned a house in a year. All thanks to Quantum Jumping.

You Too Are A Quantum Jumper, And You Didn’t Even Know It

I’ve studied for over 3 decades to bring Quantum Jumping to you – and in that time, I’ve tested it on myself, my students, researched it, and perfected it to a point where anyone can get profound results out of it.

Which is why I can safely say you don’t need any form of meditation or visualization talent, or any form of gift whatsoever.

No matter what your experience is, Quantum Jumping empowers you with all the skills, knowledge, wisdom and experience you’ll ever need.

The only prerequisite is an open mind and the power of intent.

How Quantum Jumping Will Change Your Life

Now just imagine for a moment you could find a way to “jump” into these alternate universes. That you could meet an infinite number of alternate versions of “you“…

Imagine that you could examine their ways and learn their methods, draw upon their skills, experience and wisdom,find out how they become so happy, talented or successful.

What if you could meet the successful you and learn from him or her how to boost your wealth and career – even if you’ve never had much luck in business?

What if you got the chance to sit down with the musical you and learn from him or her how to play the guitar – even if you’ve never strummed a chord in your life?

What if you could talk to the creative you and find out exactly how to effortlessly conjure ideas – even if you regularly struggle to find inspiration?

In short, imagine meeting a “you” who does exactly what you want to do.

Course Information

How Exactly Do You Experience Quantum Jumping?

All you need to do is sit down and follow my lead as I guide you through each and every technique to mastering Quantum Jumping, from beginner level visualizations to highly advanced exercises.

Absorb the principles and history behind each and every one of them. Listen as I inspire you with tales of success, and how you can make them yours.

And finally, smile as you realize your life is about to change forever.

Available EXCLUSIVELY on this site, the groundbreaking Quantum Jumping I course will guide you through the entire process of learning, mastering and changing your life with the Quantum Jumping phenomenon.

The Ultimate Quantum Jumping Course

  • A collection of powerful and easy-to-use Alpha exercises designed to guide you into a deeper state of mind, so you can effortlessly communicate with your alternate selves. * This is the core of the Quantum Jumping experience.
    Eye-opening lessons for a better understanding of the concepts behind Quantum Jumping, so you can fully immerse yourself into your practice, and enjoy better results.
  • Powerful meditative techniques to amplify your Alpha Exercises. These will help you experience more vivid and controllable Quantum Jumps that better serve the area of your life you want to improve.
  • Cutting-edge insights into the innermost workings of your mind, so you can finally realize the full extent of your inner potential and think and act like the most extraordinary achievers.
  • Fascinating case studies that will help you understand the limitless possibilities of Quantum Jumping, and give you ideas for new ways to use it in your own life.
  • Highly intimate accounts of how I and my students have used Quantum Jumping in creative ways to solve problems and accomplish goals
  • And much, much more

You’ll find more details of what’s in each module below.


Chapter 1: Introduction & Quantum Mind Sequence

Your journey into the world of Quantum Jumping, parallel universes and twin-selves begins here. This part of the program will help expand your mind with the concepts, history, and scientific evidence behind Quantum Jumping. You will also experience your first jump and see just how easy it is to meet your doppelgänger.

  • Burt shares his story and interactions in an old Korean farmhouse in 1946, which sparked his journey to discover Quantum Jumping.
  • The Science Behind Quantum Jumping — If the universe can be imagined it exists. Burt explains the idea behind this powerful statement and the science and spirituality behind Quantum Jumping.
  • Stories about how Quantum Jumping has helped Burt unlock extraordinary abilities in singing, photography and visual art.
  • Burt will introduce you to the “Bagha” a powerful ancient yoga technique which will be an important resource for you when you quantum jump.
  • Your first quantum Jump — a short jump into the relaxed alpha state of mind. Plus programs yourself to use “Bagha” at any time.


Chapter 2: Jump Into Abundance

Abundance is present all throughout the universe. The only problem is many of us feel guilty asking for it. I did too, until I realized that abundance, along with material possessions like money or wealth, can manifest in many other exciting and incredible ways. It gives you and your family the life you deserve whilst having a steady stream of income that allows your creative soul to flourish.

  • This module will aim to create the freedom and space to do what you want to do, while giving back to the community you love.
  • Attract Abundance — access a twin-self who already has the rich life, and universal “rhythm” that you desire. Learn how to access the abundance of your twin-self and bring it back into this universe with you.
  • Learn and practice attracting abundance with 4 powerful Quantum Jumps — jump into an abundant mindset, jump into a lucky you, jump into a savvy investor and finally jump into ultimate wealth.


Chapter 3: Jump Into Ideal Health

I need you to know this age is merely a number. In my 80’s I became an entrepreneur and created my own business, I made my first music CD, moved to a bigger home, learned to play the piano and even became a featured artist and photographer.

Health is just an extension of your belief system, the same as aging. In this chapter I will show you how to extend your energy and lifespan while slowing down your aging, so you can make these next decades the most exciting yet. If you are suffering from an illness, this chapter will give you some tips and techniques to accelerate your body’s natural healing process.

  • Enjoy Ideal Health — how to change your attitude toward your health – so that when you have it, you see it as something deserved and valuable.
  • Improve your health and attract your ideal body with 4 powerful Quantum Jumps — jump into your ideal body,
    jump into your energized self, jump into invincible health, jump into a healthy mindset.


Chapter 4: Jump Into Healthy Relationships

It’s never too late for romance or mind-blowing passion. I am getting married for the second time after my wife passed away. If I can create a healthy relationship in my late 80’s, then you can too!

Get immediately download Burt Goldman – Quantum Jumping – Learn from alternate better versions of ‘you’

Deep down all of us have a Casanova or a gorgeous seductress waiting to get out, it’s just the boxed-in thinking that holds it back, in this chapter you will learn to open up your heart to not just be attractive and charismatic, but be the kind of lover that your spouse deserves. Love is as vital to our soul as water is to our body, the problem is most of us are too scared to bring it out. Here I will show you step by step how to mold yourself into a dream lover.

  • Cultivate Healthy Relationships — the basics of what makes relationships work. When two people relate to one another, when there is an equality between the two, when both partners fulfill the other’s needs – that is what makes a good relationship.
  • Attract your ideal mate, strengthen relationships you already have with 4 powerful Quantum Jumps — jump into loving relationships, jump into attracting the ideal mate, jump into fun friendships, jump into healthy family dynamics.


Chapter 5: Jump Into Career and Success

In my time I have travelled the world and lectured to crowds of thousands of people, and one thing I’ve noticed is the type of people drawn to Quantum Jumping all have a common definition of success to have the income and the freedom to give back to the people and community they love, and to pursue creative endeavors, which could be anything from wanting to play music, to writing a book or starting your own business.

Put simply, success is the combination of freedom and the ability to express your creativity while contributing back to the world.

We all have a different definition of success. This part of the program has been designed to teach you how to reach your full potential no matter how YOU define it.

  • Soar In Your Career — how to look at your career as your “path” through life. Learn how to use Quantum Jumping to navigate the many forks in this path – and quickly reach your dream destination.
  • Success consists of a series of choices — even the seemingly inconsequential ones. Learn how Quantum Jumping can help you choose wisely and allow you to see the results before taking a decision.
  • Provide value to the world through our work and enjoy success in all areas of your life with 4 powerful Quantum Jumps — jump into a purposeful career, jump into a happy workplace, jump into the power of the mentor, jump into blissful success.


Chapter 6: Jump Into a Happy Home

You’re personal space – your home, your office, your car – are important, but a lot of us get too caught up setting goals in our careers rather than at home. You know those sitcoms with the picture perfect families; the wife is madly devoted; the husband is always charismatic and witty, while the kids are cute and curious? Well, it’s not how most of us see our personal space, but you can achieve the Brady Bunch-like existence if you so desire.

This chapter will teach you how to create a sense of harmony and belonging in your family dynamics, and will help you realize that you have more influence over behavioral patterns in your home than you think but it all starts with changing yourself through this Quantum Jump.

  • Establish A Happy Home — a happy home is where there’s a lot of positive energy. Attract more positive energy and you’ll have a happy home. However, it isn’t as simple as broadcasting your intentions to the universe. There are natural forces that can help you with this.
  • Learn how to arrange your home and life to attract cosmic energy with 4 powerful Quantum Jumps — jump into clutter-free, jump into Feng Shui guru, jump into the green clean, jump into home harmony.


Jump Into Spiritual Connection

If you’re anything like the 40,000 who practice Quantum Jumping, you know that there is a deeper level to your spirituality than what you’re currently experiencing. Wayyyy deeper. The profound guided visualization you will experience in this chapter will open up levels of spirituality that you can’t access through meditation alone.

I’ve spent the best part of over 50 years studying everything I can – feng shui, creative visualization, guided meditation, reiki – I was even America’s #1 instructor for the Silva Method. Quantum Jumping is a powerful combo of all these techniques, designed to open you at your core and connect with your inner self. After just a few weeks of study you will feel more connected to the rest of humanity, your intuition will sharpen, you will feel peace and calmness and hold no fear of death. The answer lies in keeping an open mind. The answer lies in keeping an open mind and throwing off the dumb rules that society and dogma brainwash us into.

  • Strengthen Your Spiritual Connection — discover how you can experience what different religions and philosophies tell you different things about what you’ll find on “the other side” – and know what’s waiting for you after you pass on.
  • Understand secrets of the spiritual plane with 4 powerful Quantum Jumps — jump into open heart, jump into energetic connection, jump into your spirit center, jump into inner peace.


Chapter 8: Jump Into Life Adventure

We are all souls experiencing existence, yet we get held back by the silly societal rules that stop us from experiencing what life really has to offer – love, travel, excitement, laughter, passion and adventure. In this Quantum Jump you will not just amplify your sense of adventure, but I will take you through a journey where you will visualize all the things you want to sense before you die.

Many people have told me that by using this Quantum Jump they find that interesting opportunities and adventures appear as if by magic – but why keep it all for yourself? They say sharing is caring, so this jump will not just bring excitement into your life, but will also show you how to infect everyone you touch with a sense of adventure too.

  • Discover A Life Adventure — Learn the secrets to creating an exciting experience or mission in life that involves both choice and change. Learn how to break free of your limits and turn your life into a series of bold adventures using Quantum Jumping.
  • Embark on a bold new adventure everyday with 4 powerful Quantum Jumps — jump into boundless excitement, jump into fun opportunities, jump into exotic flavors, jump into gentle breeze


Chapter 9: Doppelgänger Integration Process

This is where everything comes together, where you transcend who you are and reach the next plain of human development. The time where you weigh the sum total of your doppelgänger experiences – the lover you, the parent you, the adventurous you, the healthy, successful or spiritual you.

  • Discover your infinite self — integrate all of your twin-selves that you visited with every jump in the program join each of their capabilities together to unite and become even stronger than before.
  • Be unstoppable in your abundance, health, career, relationships, spirituality, home and adventures with this powerful Quantum Jump — Doppelgänger Integration Process Jump — perform this whenever you’re stuck for answers and reunite with your limitless potential.
  • Also learn how to create your own customized Quantum Jumps.

So What Does It All Mean?

When you learn these techniques and meditations for yourself, you’ll be able to:

  • Not just improve your wealth attracting abilities… but turn everything you touch into pure, solid gold
  • Not just accelerate your goals in life… but automatically program yourself to effortlessly achieve anything you can imagine
  • Not just improve your creativity… but unleash deeply hidden talents from within, and master them faster than ever before
  • Not just gain insights and revelations about the challenges you face… but instantly channel a sea of endless enlightened wisdom into your mind
  • Not just reduce stress and negativity… but achieve the nirvana-like state of calmness known as Quantum Relaxation
  • Not just enhance your body’s healing capabilities… but activate targeted healing mechanisms – even down to specific organs – in yourself and others
  • Not just improve your relationships… but activate your ability to connect with anyone—from friends to family to strangers, and establish blissful, meaningful, long-term bonds
  • Not just find out more about yourself… but discover the hidden thought processes, habits, strengths and weaknesses that make up your True Self

All this is very, very possible. These are the exact same techniques I’ve personally used to get even more out of Quantum Jumping.

Now, think about your deepest desires, dreams and goals.

And now, think about even deeper ones that you never told anyone.

What does it take to make them come true?


That’s what Quantum Jumping gives you.

You can’t put a value on it. Because the value is your life. You get your life back by living your deepest desires.

At the many Quantum Jumping seminars I’ve held in the past, hundreds of students pay over $1000 to get these same results.

But committing just 15 minutes a day to this course every day will give you the same results. Do it for 30 days and your friends and family are going to approach you and tell you there’s been a change; that they like the new you.

If this can be achieved after just 30 days, just imagine what your life will be like in a year from now.

I’ve seen many people experience rapid transformation when people integrate their Quantum Jumping, and I can’t wait to hear yours.

What Makes This The Ultimate Edition Of Quantum Jumping

When Quantum Jumping was originally released in 2010, over 40,000 students and it quickly became one of Mindvalley’s most popular personal growth programs ever.

Now, the latest release of Quantum Jumping features more jumps, new techniques and a vastly improved framework, structure and consumption format to make it the best possible learning experience for you.

This new release of Quantum Jumping is based on the thousands of feedback from the students… including emails we receive, conversations with seminar attendees and engaging with Burt’s 110,000+ fans on Facebook.

Because you’re not simply investing on a method to jump into alternate dimensions. You’re investing in the pursuit of a supremely abundant, successful, fulfilled and happy life. One that in the past may have seemed out of reach.

Imagine spending not just thousands of dollars, but precious time and energy on failed investments and purchases, going into ventures, hobbies or activities that in the end just don’t make you happy, meeting the wrong people, or even trying out the latest repackaged ‘do this and you’ll be happy’ schemes that doesn’t seem to show any visible results.

Now imagine the flip-side—knowing how to avoid all the bad, and instead reel in the good.

That’s why Quantum Jumping is truly an opportunity to transform every area of life. The secret behind its success is its simplicity in learning. After studying the course, you can apply and enjoy the benefits for decades to come.

This isn’t the education that most people spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on in college and seminars that they don’t understand or use in later life.

The tools in Quantum Jumping breathes fresh new ideas into your life every single day, ultimately empowering you in every area of your life.


New Moon Programming (value: $79)

Get ready to supercharge your manifestations! I will be with you all the way throughout this course, guiding you and ensuring that you meet your goals. Together, we will unravel the phenomenon that is the New Moon and its power of attraction.

Then, you will learn to harness the power of this lunar phenomenon, starting with your first lunar meditation exercise — which I promise is going to be spectacular. You will also be trained to welcome more abundance into your life with lunar programming. I will be concluding this course with an introduction to The Super Moon, which I must say is utterly exciting, because it takes you to a dimension beyond our realm. Intrigued? Wait till you experience it!


Chapter 1 Introduction To New Moon Programming

Discover the truth behind how and why the moon influences the human mind. In your first guided meditation, begin manifesting your desires with the moon’s help.


Chapter 2 Attracting Abundance

Attain the knowledge to elevate your thoughts beyond the average outer-conscious level, amplify your mind’s influence on the universe and efficiently attract your every desire. Learn how to use New Moon Programming in tandem with any other goal setting technique for enhanced results.


Chapter 3 The Super Moon

Combine Quantum Jumping’s theory of multiple universes with New Moon Programming and get a “Super Moon” that is twice as potent. Use the guided meditation in this chapter to access the Super Moon and leverage its gravity field for the ultimate New Moon Programming experience.

Still unsure if this course is right for you? You can try it for 90 days in full, backed by our 3-Part Mindvalley Guarantee when you enroll today.

Get immediately download Burt Goldman – Quantum Jumping – Learn from alternate better versions of ‘you’

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As head of Mindvalley’s Customer Support, it’s my goal to ensure you get the best experience with this program. We consistently rank among the top 10 of all companies worldwide using NiceReply. Reach me and my team directly at support@mindvalley.com for personalized support by real people.

  • Safe Enrollment Program – this means you can enroll in ANY course and get full access instantly and still claim a full and timely refund within 30 days if it does not meet your highest expectation.
  • Results – We work only with the best teachers and curriculums that deliver amazing results and raving fans.
  • Quality – Mindvalley is known for World Class Customer Service, Design and Learning Experience.

Kristi Anier
Customer Happiness Team Lead

Become The Person You Have Always Wanted To Be

If you have read up until this point, you are clearly drawn to this course. Trust that instinct. It is your heart, mind and soul seeking the tools to redefine themselves.

Some people never truly “live” their lives. Their days are filled with a series of “shoulds,” and they never feel the blissful, magical charge that comes from being truly happy and congruent with your soul.

This is a tragedy, because you have everything you need within you to live a life of amazing joy, meaning and abundance.

Anyway, there you have it. I’ve told you how Quantum Jumping has changed my life.

How it changed the lives of those who learned it from me.

And in case you are skeptical, I’m giving you the time and opportunity to test it yourself.

Just $147 and 15 minutes a day is a small investment to pay for how radically this can impact your happiness, health, relationsips, success and career.

The only question is, are you ready to live your ideal life and become the person you always wanted to be?

To shake off every ounce of self-doubt, inability, procrastination, fear and uncertainty, and in their place discover an endless sea of inspiration, abundance, wisdom and knowledge?

With Quantum Jumping, the universe will show you how.

This is What You may Get in Burt Goldman – Quantum Jumping – Learn from alternate better versions of ‘you’ 

Burt Goldman - Quantum Jumping - Learn from alternate better versions of ‘you’

Shipping method

– After making a purchase, you will see a View your order link to the Downloads page. Here you can download all the files related to your order.
– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
– Our support staff is the best by far! Please contact us at email: cs.hodollar@gmail.com and we will be happy to help!