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HeatherAsh Amara – Your Wild, Willing & Wise Energies 2024
HeatherAsh Amara – Your Wild, Willing & Wise Energies 2024
Your Wild, Willing & Wise Energies 2024 by HeatherAsh Amara invites you to reconnect with your authentic self by embracing the power of your wildness, willingness, and wisdom. This transformative course helps you tap into these three essential energies to create a life of balance, purpose, and empowerment.
During this transformative program, you’ll:
- Meet and engage your inner guides — your Wild, Willing, and Wise — to help you find balance through the currents of life
- Participate in shamanic journeys, earth-based practices, and visualizations to connect more deeply with these guides and receive their guidance
- Identify your core strategy when you aren’t feeling safe, refining your awareness of where you’re out of balance
- Cultivate sustainable power and bravery, learning to set healthy boundaries that honor your needs and desires as you ride the waves of life
- Learn how to cultivate self-care rituals and actions that will connect you more deeply to Source
- Develop more trust in yourself and gratitude for the journey
- Access your inner medicine to heal emotional wounds, untangle limiting beliefs, and embody your authentic brilliance
- Equip yourself with tools to untangle emotional blocks and release the stories that no longer serve you, empowering you to embrace your true essence.
- Craft personalized “ritual recipes” to help you integrate the loving guidance of your Wild, Willing, and Wise
- Be guided through the “Warrior Heart Practice” to separate emotion from story and get clear about what your next steps are
- Come back into relationship with your intuition and instincts to cultivate deep faith in yourself
As you begin to reconnect with the three vital parts of yourself — the Wild, Willing, and Wise — you’ll also get reacquainted with inner passions, a sense of curiosity, the courage you need to step into the unknown, and the wisdom to surrender to the greater plan that’s unfolding for your life.
When your Wild is in balance, you’ll approach life with curiosity, playfulness, and wonder — and you’ll be willing to experiment, take chances, and be open and connect.
When your Willing is in balance, you can activate your creativity and generativity, and understand how to nourish yourself in a sustainable way so you can remain steady, graceful, and strong through all of life’s ups and downs.
And, when your Wise is in balance, you have vision and spaciousness, you’re calm under pressure, and you live from a place of patience, compassion, gratitude, and clear intent.
You’ll be able to design a different reality for yourself, one that embraces these vibrant energies, allowing them to guide your actions and decisions and face the complexities of existence with strength and fortitude — letting go of the weight of expectations and the chaos of daily life. ..
… so you can feel the fullness of your being and experience the deeper meaning you long for.
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks
In this 7-week transformational intensive, HeatherAsh will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to embody your three powerful inner guides — the Wild, Willing, and Wise — to navigate all the potential hazards on the river of life with authenticity, confidence, courage, and freedom.
Join the Livestream — or Stream Later to Watch at Your Convenience
You’ll connect with HeatherAsh and experience her teachings through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of HeatherAsh’s transmissions. Can’t make it live? After each class, you can stream the video and audio recordings to enjoy anytime and anywhere at your convenience.
Course Sessions Wednesdays at 5:00pm Pacific
This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive sessions, experiential practices, and Q&A with HeatherAsh. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to smoothly navigate all the potential hazards on the river of life — and paddle at your own pace through with authenticity, confidence, courage, and freedom.
Module 1: Invoking the Wild, Willing, and Wise – Meet the Magical Guides Within to Achieve Balance & Enhance Your Ability to Take Steady Action (December 11)

In this opening session, you’ll meet your three vital inner guides — Wild, Willing, and Wise. These three energies are at the core of the ancient archetypes of the Maiden, Mother, and Crone, modernized in a non-gendered, non-linear way.
You’ll explore the importance of embodying each of these inner energies. When they’re balanced, you can take action from a place of delight and wild curiosity, exploration, and play… honor the power of your willing steadiness, courage, and sustainability… and live from the depth of your wise compassion, stillness, and intuition.
It’s easy, however, to slip into a deficiency or excess of your Wild, Willing, and Wise, and become scattered, fearful, stuck, codependent, resistant, or disillusioned with life.
HeatherAsh will guide you through what it means to truly lean into wonder, dive into true nourishment, and stay centered when there’s chaos all around you.
In this module, you’ll learn to:
- Reimagine the Maiden, Mother, and Crone for personal and planetary healing
- Embody the ancient wisdom of wonder, long-term nourishment, and stillness
- Gain perspective on when to lean into which of these ancestral energies
- Engage your skepticism about they way you’ve always done things, and consider new possibilities going forward
- Experience a visualization to feel and embody your Wild, Willing, and Wise to discover where we’re out of balance, and where you may need more of a specific energy in your life right now
Module 2: Examining Your Relationship to the River of Life – Learning How to Navigate Your Blessings & Challenges to Align With Your Direction & Purpose (December 18)

This week will begin with an illuminating quiz to explore where you are in relationship to the river of life. Are you constantly paddling upstream? Have you been pulled to shore and fear getting back in the water? Or, are you spinning in an eddy, not moving forward toward your dreams?
In a non-judgmental way, you’ll learn how to witness and unconditionally name your unhelpful patterns and stories. You’ll participate in three important awareness practices to help you navigate the places where you habitually get stuck, overwhelmed, or disconnected.
The key is to consciously shift your judgment to discernment, and victimization to authentic vulnerability.
You’ll also explore what an eddy is and how to navigate out of the places where you get trapped by old emotions and stories.
In this session, you’ll:
- Prepare for your pilgrimage — packing your river raft and putting yourself on the map
- Explore ways to navigate the challenges of paddling with one oar, jumping out when the rapids get rough, staying on the shore too long, and paddling upstream
- Learn how to get out of eddies when you feel like nothing will change
- Identify your core strategy when you aren’t feeling safe, refining your awareness of where you’re out of balance
- Create a map for yourself through a journaling or art process that shows where you can get stuck in your stories (eddies) and circle around victimization and judgment
Module 3: Integrating Your Wild – Alchemize Fear & Hopelessness to Face Challenges With Playfulness & Curiosity (January 8)

In this class, you’ll explore the territory of Wild.
When we’re in a deficit of wild energy, we tend to dampen our wild joy in favor of being safe — believing that our wildness is somehow a liability. When we’re out of balance with our wild nature, we can feel stuck, tight, and constrained.
On the other hand, some of us live with an excess of wild, unreliable and scattered and not understanding consequences of our actions.
You’ll learn how to balance your wild energy and fill yourself with energy, enthusiasm, and possibility. Your wild is the spark that brings right action and adventurous choices so we can feel fulfilled and free.
In this session, HeathAsh will guide you to:
- Ignite your curiosity when life gets rigid and overwhelming, using your imagination to break through challenges
- Turn fear into curiosity as you face rough waters and difficult decisions in your life
- Delight in your devotion to being open, experimental, and deeply connected
- Be creative and never make assumptions
- Experience a visualization to meet your Wild guide, and receive a specific action step to bring wild into your week
Module 4: Embodying Your Willing – Nourish Bravery & Sustainable Power as You Let Go of What’s Not Serving You & Step Into Your Purpose (January 15)

In this module, you’ll explore the territory of Willing.
When we’re in a deficit of willing energy, we’re often scared to start things. We hold ourselves back and compare ourselves to others. When we’re out of balance with our willing nature, we can feel dampened and depressed.
On the other hand, some of us live with an excess of willing, codependent, always pleasing others, and helping everyone else to the detriment of our own health and dreams.
Our willing is the internal fire that can burn brightly and warm us from within.
You’ll discover how to balance your willing energy, so you can hold healthy boundaries, be sustainable and steady (without burning out), and trust your own path.
This week, you’ll:
- Explore how to stay in when you want to jump out
- Learn to live beyond being of service to others
- Let go of resentment, exhaustion, and frustration so you can cultivate sustainable, steady strength
- Connect to your superpowers of saying YES and NO
- Experience a visualization to meet your Willing guide, and receive a specific action step to bring willing into your week
Module 5: Identifying With Your Wise – Cultivate Calming Compassion to Trust Yourself & Embody Inner Peace (January 22)

In this session, you’ll explore the landscape of Wise.
When we are in a deficit of wise energy, we often believe that everyone else has the answers — except us — and we can become short-sighted and limited in our vision. When we’re out of balance with our wise nature, we tend to feel a lack of trust in ourselves.
On the other hand, some of us live with an excess of wise, feeling overly detached, trying to spiritually bypass difficult situations and emotions, and believing we’ve already learned everything there is to learn.
Our wise is the coal of our integrated and warming stillness and faith.
You’ll discover how to balance your wise energy so you’re guided by your intuition and ancestors. You’ll learn how to center yourself in your compassion and have an abundance of patience.
This week, you’ll:
- Free yourself from spiritual smugness and self-righteousness
- Rewire your being for rest and rejuvenation
- Invite in new ways of being and seeing and remember that everyone is doing their best
- Learn how to cultivate self-care rituals and actions that will connect you more deeply to Source
- Experience a visualization to meet their Wise guide, and receive a specific action step to bring willing into your week
Module 6: Rebalance Your Wild, Willing, and Wise – Building the Confidence & Cultivating the Tools & Support You Need to Untangle Challenges as They Arise (January 29)

Now that you’ve met and developed a relationship with your Wild, Willing, and Wise energies, it’s time to calibrate them.
During this module, you’ll learn how to untangle and heal the stuck, stagnant, or overly serious places in your life. Whether you’re navigating an everyday challenge or a hardened, painful story from your past, you’ll receive tools to access the medicine within and bring healing and hope to your heartbreak or frustration.
You’ll walk away from this session with two shamanic practices of transformation — 1) a daily visualization technique designed to open the doors to your curiosity, courage, and compassion, and 2) a potent practice that will unlock a new method of seeing and releasing drama, fear, and suffering — so you can truly embody your authentic, fiery brilliance.
In this session, you’ll:
- Discover the remedy to burnout, powerlessness, and martyrdom
- Learn how to stay in your own boat when others are struggling
- Play with possibilities and come back home to yourself when you feel lost
- Be guided through the “Warrior Heart Practice” through the lens of Wild Willing and Wise, to separate emotion from story and get clear about what your next steps are
Module 7: Integration & Unconditional Living – Being Guided by Your Heart, Compassion & Intuition to Take the Right Actions When Needed (February 5)

In this closing module, you’ll explore what it means to live unconditionally — to take full responsibility for your life from a nonjudgmental place. It means living fully at choice and understanding consequences, boundaries, and loving correction.
HeatherAsh will offer you “ritual recipes” — simple ceremonies that weave you into the magic and mystery all around you.
You’ll be invited to call in your guides and allies as you and your co-participants create a circle of protection and a container of healing. From there, you’ll journey to the three realms — the underworld, middle world, and upper world to help you integrate our animal (wild), human (willing), and divine (wise) nature.
From the insights gathered on your shamanic journey, you’ll craft personalized ritual recipes to help you integrate the loving guidance of your Wild, Willing, and Wise, and bring them into your daily life moving forward.
Please note: For this ritual, come to class with a feather or stick of incense, a candle, a bowl of water, a rock or crystal, coarse ground salt, and three representatives of your Wild, Willing, and Wise energies.
In this final class, you’ll:
- Come back into relationship with your intuition and instincts to cultivate deep faith in yourself
- Devote yourself to living from your own center, your way, living each day with gratitude and fresh eyes
- Plant seeds for all the generations to come after you — that they may be free to roam, row, rest, and regenerate
- Experience a shamanic journey to meet your wise, future self with a ritual for moving toward wise self now
The Your Wild, Willing & Wise Energies Bonus Offering
In addition to HeatherAsh’s transformative 7-week online course, you’ll receive this special bonus offering to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
When you register by Midnight Pacific on Saturday, November 23, you’ll receive the bonus below as an extra gift:
Warrior Goddess Integrity
3-Part Video Series From HeatherAsh Amara

In this foundational Warrior Goddess series, you’ll have an opportunity to rewire some old beliefs and actions that are keeping you trapped. You’ll dive into the patterns that need to be untangled, and open to the possibilities that are all around you. Using Toltec tools to become more free, you’ll untether yourself from how things should be… to how they can be.
Register by November 23 to claim this bonus before it expires.
Plus… you’ll receive these bonuses too!
Being the Divine Feminine – Resting Into the Divine Mother
Video Conversation With HeathAsh Amara and Banafsheh Sayyad

In this exclusive conversation, only available to participants in Your Wild, Willing & Wise Energies, HeatherAsh along with Banafsheh Sayyad, sacred dancer, choreographer, and founder of the Dance of Oneness®, share an intimate, potent dialog about their relationship to the Divine Mother. They discuss ways to heal the wounds of comparison and competition, as well as how to hold contradiction. You’ll also learn about the importance of de-armoring, so you can reconnect to the Divine Feminine in nature.
Wild Willing and Wise Warrior of the Heart
PDF Workbook From HeatherAsh Amara

This workbook is designed to help you explore your wild, willing, and wise guides in greater depth. These worksheets contain questions from The Warrior Heart practice and will invite you to get to know these three guides, while learning how to detangle from agreements that keep you stuck in the past.
Shipping method
– After making a purchase, you will see a View your order link to the Downloads page. Here you can download all the files related to your order.
– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
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